Halo Waypoint is the definitive community destination on Xbox LIVE for Halo fans around the world.
· 600K downloads the day of launch
· Loaded and installed on every newly manufactured Xbox (post-launch)
· Creation of new Halo Meta-Game to unify the different titles of the franchise
The first franchise community portal on a console, Halo Waypoint informs fans of the latest Halo news and activities, as well as provides access to content ranging from interviews, trailers and screenshots, to exclusive video footage and community content.
Halo has a deserved reputation for being one of the best-looking, most accessible franchises of all time.
Working on the User Experience and Visual Design for a Halo project was a dream come true and an experience I’ll never forget.
If you haven't enlisted in Waypoint yet, your Halo experience is not complete.
I had the extremely fun task of developing a new meta-challenge for Halo gamers with the Waypoint Career system. The Career system charts a player's in-game accomplishments across multiple Halo games to unify the franchise, reward, and incentivize players for “comprehensive” Halo play.
In addition to the Career meta-game, new Halo-branded Avatar gear (see above) was made available to players via unlocks for completing different Halo Waypoint challenges.
I was put in charge of the localization (LOC) process for Halo Waypoint.
LOC is the act of translating and displaying text within the application into multiple languages dictated by user region or preference. This is a Herculean process of combing through pages and pages of code to make sure that every language is displaying properly, not breaking the design, and lastly is displaying the correct text in the correct place.
As the global village gets smaller and smaller, this process will become a standard practice for almost any piece of content being produced.
After designing Halo Waypoint's meta-game, the Career system, I then had to provide information about them within the "About Halo Waypoint" and "About Career" sections as well as write copy for all of Waypoint's dialogue windows.
Now millions of players in the Halo universe have nearly every question imaginable answered about their favorite franchise.
Mission Accomplished.